The Youth Red Cross scheme (YRC), a central Govt. Programme, Govt. of India was implemented in our institution since 1974. The aim and objective of the scheme is to develop their personality during college study. In Kamakhyanagar College, Kamakhyanagar there are one unit consisting 50 volunteers supervised by Counsellor, Prof. Dillip Kumar Sahoo and supporting staff, Sri Sridhar Biswal.
The mission of the Indian Red Cross is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities so that human sufferings can be minimized and even prevented and this contribute to create climate for peace.
Emblem as a programme oriented indicative device in peacetime and during armed conflicts.
50 volunteers are enrolled in YRC Unit at Kamakhyanagar College.
Advisory committee meeting in the Principal chamber with chairmanship of the Principal and in presence of Prof. M.M. Baral, Accounts Bursar, Prof. S.C. Behera, H.o.D, Anthropology, Counsellor and two volunteers of YRC unit. The plans of action were adopted in the meeting to be followed during the year.
HIV/AIDS Camp is the principal part of YRC unit. Beside some special days of social importance are also observed. They cleaned the college campus and developed a beautiful garden inside the premises of the college building. They tried to create awareness among people in fields like need of education, health and sanitation, preparedness during national disaster and evils of AIDS etc.
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