MOTO: “Knowledge is free at the library, just bring your own container.”
The library functions is in its own building constructed through UGC funding and college contribution. It is complete in all respect with stock & store, librarian room, reading room for students, space for staff. There are teaching and learning oriented facilities like computer with internet, computer with browsing facility, reprographic, drinking water and above all, round the clock CCTV vigilance.
Library enjoys considerable amount of flexibility and autonomy in functioning through its library committee, qualified librarian and library assistant.
Students allowed to keep books and references in all vacations unless and until notified to submit for annual verification.
The central library houses the stock of Remedial books, Career Counselling Books, MRP related books.
Library allows scholars from other institutions for reference work.There is question bank making availability of same both in soft & hard copy.
Sr. No. | Subject | No. of Books |
1. | English | 1161 |
2. | Odia | 2367 |
3. | Pol. Science | 1188 |
4. | History | 1109 |
5. | Economics | 1081 |
6. | Philosophy | 226 |
7. | Anthropology | 331 |
8. | Commerce | 2597 |
9. | Physics | 903 |
10. | Chemistry | 767 |
11. | Mathematics | 902 |
12. | Botany | 661 |
13. | Zoology | 643 |
Total | 13936 |
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